LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

These songs can help you memorize the Scripture Mastery Scriptures!

Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

These wonderful LDS Seminary songs were written and performed by the Sons of Ammon who submitted them to the site to share with all of you- free of charge!
Directions: Each group of songs is on a different page below. The songs are all mp3 files.
LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

  • Book of Mormon
  • Doctrine and Covenants
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament

Written and performed by the Sons of Ammon, these LDS Seminary Songs can be downloaded for free!
Directions: You can either download the songs one at a time (they range in size from 600k to 3.2M) or download the entire collection at once.
LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

Other LDS Seminary Songs

  • Doctrine and Covenants
  • Old Testament
  • New Testament

Written and performed by the Sons of Ammon, these LDS Seminary Songs can be downloaded for free!
Directions: You can either download the songs one at a time (they range in size from 300k to 2.5M) or download the entire collection at once.
LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs

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Your Citation
Bruner, Rachel. "LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs." Learn Religions, Aug. 26, 2020, Bruner, Rachel. (2020, August 26). LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs. Retrieved from Bruner, Rachel. "LDS Seminary Scripture Mastery Songs." Learn Religions. (accessed June 8, 2024).